Jacob + Chelsea :: Washington D.C. Wedding Photography

Unlike Aaron and Leticia, I didn't have the opportunity to meet Jacob and Chelsea until the day of the wedding. Given the choice, I would always want to meet a bride and groom before the day of, however sometimes life just doesn't permit us this luxury. Fortunately for me, Chelsea welcomed me into the bridal room with open arms, introduced me to all of the wonderfully important women who would be helping her get ready, and then proceeded to offer me all of the amazing foods and beverages from the room's buffet table. It is warm welcomes like this that take away all of the pressure of meeting a couple for the first time on their big day. Chelsea and Jacob, thank you for trusting me enough as a photographer to let me join you on your wedding day without ever having met me. You make a beautiful couple and I am so thankful to have had the chance to share in your union as husband and wife. Enjoy your pictures!

Before the ceremony Leticia and Chelsea had a few of the women from their church join them in the bridal room to pray over the day and the impending marriages.

How beautiful is this woman's laugh?! Seriously stunning.

And then there was this handsome guy.

Chelsea and Jacob were dying to take pictures in front of the Capitol building, so after the ceremony we made our way to Constitution Ave. for a quick portrait session.

I love this picture of Chelsea's father so patiently waiting to dance with his daughter.

And then there was the first dance as husband and wife.

So beautiful.

Happy Thursday!
