Phillip :: Central Oregon Seniors

It's been a busy week and in my book busy (usually) is a good thing. For this reason - among others things like living in a place without humidity - it's been a good week. With five senior sessions and a wedding under my belt I'm taking advantage of today's holiday by doing no labor at all.  You know, in honor of Labor Day. I will, however, leave you with the images from Phillip's shoot last week. If I were being honest, I'd tell you that senior boy sessions make me nervous, way nervous. I can't help but think it's the lingering effect of the fact that when I was in high school boys were a foreign species that I didn't understand (or have the nerve to talk to). This was especially the case with the cool boys - boys who were totally handsome and wildly good at sports. It's ironic, then, that all the senior boys I'm shooting this week are totally handsome and talented. Maybe God is giving me a second chance at the cool boys.

On that note, here is Phillip. And you guessed it, he's totally cool!

Happy Labor Day,
